Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Emma Watson(Hermione Granger) Personality

Hermione acts, at times, like the mother hen of the trio. She is very studious, and can be a bit bossy and fussy. She's the best student in her year and one of the best in the school, and is often teased and admired in equal measure for her "know-it-all" tendencies. Harry, Ron and especially Neville depend on her for academic help; and her knowledge, research skills, and common sense often prove invaluable in overcoming the trio's more serious challenges. Hermione always goes the extra mile when completing homework assignments, handing in four feet of parchment when she was only asked for two, carrying out independent research and regularly reading ahead of the class. Upon her very first meeting with Harry and Ron, she announces to them that she's, "learnt all our set books off by heart, of course, I just hope it will be enough." This excessive studying and determination to be the best at everything often reflects Hermione's deep seated insecurity, a fear of failure that can give way to irrational panic and anxiety. Given that she receives top grades in all of her O.W.L. exams in her fifth year (except for Defence Against the Dark Arts, where she received the second-highest grade) this panic would appear to be misplaced.