Sunday, December 26, 2010

Our South African Christmas

Two very excited girls on Christmas morning
KK getting on top of things
Megan excited to be getting her Nintendo DS XL with every accessory imaginable.
KK very impressed with her Hello Kitty Kitchen
Gift opening aftermath
In the car on the way to the In-Laws. 
Megan with the Nintendo firmly in her ears, KK with her new dolly
KK opening more gifts from Ouma and Oupa and Aunty Ronel and Uncle Petrus!
Werner and Megan chuffed with their stash
Morne and Werner
Ouma - my mother in law thrilled with her recipe book from Ronel
Ronel looking on
Oupa (my FIL) and yours truly.
Everyone settling down outside to a wonderful Christmas feast in the blazing sunshine 
Someone always lands up getting thrown in the pool
A very happy Daft Scots Lass
 What a brilliantly PERFECT Day!!!