Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cave Kiskendo Kulonporogo District

Cave Kiskendo Kulonporogo District
A. Overview

Cave of the locals called it by the story of Guo Kiskendo found by a hermit named Ki Gondorio in the 1700s. The hermit was also acting as gatekeeper of the first cave. According to this story, one night she dreamed of entering a cave-like kingdom. In the dream, Ki Gondorio receive guidance for name the 15 rooms in the cave. After waking from sleep, Ki Gondorio follow all the instructions he received in a dream.

Although there was a story like that, people who live around the Cave Kiskendo have different versions of the story. Some say that the existence of this cave comes from the world of wayang. This version relates that long ago Kiskendo Cave is a kingdom led by a king named Mahesosuro. Others say that this cave is a duplicate of a cave located in India.

Until now, local people still regard Kiskendo Caves as sacred places. This deals with the myths or legends that lie behind them, as well as places - places that are in the cave that is often used to tirakatan or imprisoned. This assumption is also sacred to the Cave Kiskendo associated with the abstinence-abstinence for anyone who wants to enter into it. These restrictions, among others, must not throw dirt in the cave, should not be insulting or damaging the cave circumstances, and should not do things beyond the limits of decency.
B. Feature

Tourists can view the story line about the Cave of the dipautkan Kiskendo with puppet story (epic Ramayana) are carved on the two reliefs in front of the mouth of the cave.

Cave Kiskendo form of a tourist complex consisting of several places that it seems the story is still associated with the cave behind the legend, namely the Kingdom Kiskendo. In this area there are 15 rooms, namely:

* Tongue Mahesosuro, namely in the form of stones that have a tongue. Perhaps, this stone comes from the tongue to be cut by King Mahesosuro Subali to prevent Mahesosuro can not live again.
* Hermitage Ledek, that place used to be imprisoned for success in art.
* Pupils Hermitage Farm, the place used to be imprisoned for agricultural products can be overwhelming. Formerly, this place was once used as the residence of the farmer who lived in the area around the cave.
* Hermitage Subali, where Subali meditation before fighting against Mahesosuro and Lembusuro (human-headed bulls.)
* Sumelong, a hole that can penetrate to the top. According to myth, the hole located in the middle of this cave is a place Subali out of the cave because the cave's mouth was closed by Sugriwo.
* Barn Kampek, namely the storage of valuables from the Kingdom of Cave Kiskendo.
* Selumbung, namely the Kingdom of the Cave Kiskendo food barn.
* Seterbang Cave, the cave is still a part of the Cave Kiskendo. That said, the cave was connected with the southern sea.
* Palace companion, namely the central Cave Kiskendo Kingdom. This is where fighting Subali Mahesosuro and Lembusuro.
* Kusuman Hermitage, a place of penance to obtain a high degree.
* Padasan, is the source of water in the Kingdom of the Cave Kiskendo heyday.
* Sepranji, serves as a breeding center in the days of Empire Cave Kiskendo.
* Tripe Kandel, in the form of rocks that are similar to the human stomach intestine. According to the story, this tripe is the stomach contents are removed by Subali Mahesosuro.
* Sawahan, namely a place to grow rice.
* Selangsur, where soldiers fought the Empire Cave Kiskendo Subali.

In addition to fifteenth place, there are other objects near the cave complex Kiskendo, namely Sumitro Cave (about 50 meters), Grojogan Sewu (waterfall with a height of 20 meters), Watu Blencong (located approximately 250 m above the cave Kiskendo), Mount Krengseng, Watu Gajah, and Mount Screen (limestone mountain shaped like a screen, located 4.5 km from the Cave Kiskendo).
C. Location

The cave is located in the mountains this Menoreh enter into administrative regions Sukamaya Hamlet, Village Jatimulyo, Girimulyo District, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region. Strictly speaking, this cave is located in the northwest city of Wates, Kulon Progo regency capital, and approximately located at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level.
D. Access

To reach the cave tourist sites, a distance of about 35 km from the city of Yogyakarta, tourists can use the bus inter-district of Yogyakarta Giwangan Central Terminal. From this terminal, travelers are advised to choose a bus lane-Sentolo Yogyakarta or Yogyakarta - Wates with a tariff of Rp 10,000 (February 2008). Usually, the buses that operate on a dark path and smaller than a city bus.

From Terminal Giwangan, overland journey that must be taken approximately 40 minutes. Do not forget to instruct on the conductor to stop at the junction Ngeplang. From this fork, tourists had to change buses and take the bus or Nanggulan Samigaluh majors. Using this bus takes Rp 15,000 and tourists will get to the attractions Guo Kiskendo after 50 minutes of travel.
E. Ticket Prices

Still in the confirmation process.
F. Accommodation and Other Facilities

In this cave a tourist area, available toilet (restroom), a retreat (a pavilion), and a vast arena parking (for buses, cars and motorcycles).