Thursday, July 3, 2008

Emma Watson gets animated

The rumors that she would be taking over a Chanel perfume contract from Keira Knightley may have turned out to be false, but Emma Watson is still finding ways to branch out beyond Harry Potter. Earlier this year the project Napoleon and Betsy, where she will play a young Englishwoman who befriends the famous emperor. And December of this year will see the release of the animated feature film The Tale of Despereaux, for which Watson provides the voice of the character Princess Pea.
The official website for the film is now live, and it includes a still enabling us to see what Princess Pea will look like:
The blonde wavy hair may have been inspired by Watson, but the face reminds me more of the Italian artist Modigliani (who liked to paint women with very long, thin faces).
Sadly the Disney (and Hollywood) tradition of lollipop women with heads far too big for their bodies still seems to be in evidence, to judge from the trailer for the film (Watson’s character appears towards the end)
Thanks for Afterellen