Jenna wept. Her heavy tears stained her silk blouse. She didn’t care. Her teardrops drizzled on to the baby booties she was holding in her lap. The nursery was silent except for her wrenching sobs. Part of her spirit had been stolen. She could not go on.Then she plunged the blade into her chest.
Secondly, I have a hawt date with my Boerewors (aka Hubby) tongiht and he's suprising me. Venue and details and a huge secret. Another trip to Teasers perhaps? We're probably getting our matching tattoos done over the weekend too. Yayness!
Thirdly, head over to One Crazy Brunette Chick for Blog Stalk Friday
Follow the rules or she'll go apeshit on yer ass!
Lastly, its Fawk You Friday over at Boobies.
This week's Fuck Yous from me go out to the following:
- Fuck You to The Gauteng Department of Education (who are in the office block opposite ours) for causing a fucking riot in our parking lot! I love my music, but when hundreds of angry teachers and office workers holler into a fucking crappy PA system all fucking day, its rather irritating. You see they're pissed off because the government doesn't pay them enough so they feel its their constitutional right to march into schools and wreck the joint! Tipping over dustbins, valdalising cars and intimidating the students. Protest if you must, Skanks but leave our kids alone, Fuckers!
- Fuck You to the virus that hit my Wee Button aka Megan. It flattened her and she's still trying to reocver.
- Fuck You to the moths that fly outta my purse everytime I open it. I so broke I can't even pay attention! Roll on Pay Day!
Have an awesome weekend Readers!