Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 4 - The 30 Day Blog Challenge

Topic : A Picture of You Two Years Ago

Here's The Daft Scots Lass two years ago all dressed up to go to my office function.  The theme was Italian Icons and I went as a Ferrari Pit Babe. 

I had just lost 15kgs and was so proud of myself.  You can read the post HERE and see some more pictures of what everyone else went as.

It was a rockin' party.  Wish I was that skinny again!

Don't NOT mention ANYTHING about Camel Toe!

My Best Friend, Mandy and I doing what we do best. 
Relaxing in the pool under the South African sun with a glass of wine or five...
All my amazing girlfriends,
 when we finally got everyone together in the same country!
(two years ago)
They don't call me Daft for nothin'