Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fawk You Funky Friday

BWS tips button 

Its Fawk You Friday over at Boobies.  Go sign up and vent!

Fuck you to being back at work.  Its awful.  I wanna be home with my family!!!  I hate having to work.  Praying to win the lottery.

Fuck you to the dentist who can't fit me in until 24 January and Megan is suffering in the meantime with a cavity.  Poor wee button.

Fuck you to the nursery school viruses which, even only being back at school for a few days, and already the runny snotty noses have started!  Quit infecting my girl-children!

Enjoy the music!  I LOVE the muppets and especially THE PRAWN.

The Funky Friday Song