I'll be fucking smug if I want to, demmit. I think its quite an accomplishment.
74 days Nicotine Free!
The reason why I am bring it up - again - is because I got a few emails asking how the non smoking is going so this is both an update and a brag post.
I must say I still miss it. I still think about it - a lot. I still watch people taking those long slow drags and wish it was me. Pulling the smoke deeply into my lungs and exhaling slowly. I don't think its a habit you kick quickly...
But then... As it was pissing with rain all night last night and this morning, I put on my drimac jacket this morning. I haven't worn it since the last time it rained, which was our December camping trip!
I didn't notice immediately but, when I was driving to work, I wondered where the smell of smoke was coming from. I sniffed around the car like a wee mouse. Crinkling my nose up and following the scent trying to locate the source of the smell...It was my jacket!
It stank like stale old cigarette smoke. WOW! I couldn't believe how strong it was and that I'd always walked around smelling like that. It wasn't nauseating but it was potent. I couldn't wait to get to work to take it off because it made me just want to puff away.
I must admit. I did stare longingly at my e-cigarette which still sits in my pencil holder on my desk. I did contemplate taking a wee puff but thought - fuck it, I've come this far. Don't cock it up, Scots Lass.
I didn't.
Are you proud of me?
I'm off to bin that fucking jacket.
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