Friday, November 7, 2008

Update: Emma Updates Blog on Uni, DH, and Despereaux

Emma Watson (Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films) has updated her blog on her official site letting everyone know what she's been up to.
She says that she's been busy traveling, which most everyone already knows, and that she's trying to apply for uni. She's also getting excited for the release of her next film, The Tales of Despereaux, in which she does the voice of the character Princess Pea. The film will be in theatres on December 19th.
She also stated that she is rereading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to help prepare herself for the filming that begins in February. She says she can't put the book down, "Reading it for a second time has made it no less addictive."
Source: Harry potter page