In “The Tale of Despereaux” a princess (voiced by Emma Watson) meets a talking mouse in her castle.
“The Tale of Despereaux” (Dec. 19), www.taleofdes pereauxmovie.com: Here’s a site that will give the kiddies plenty to do over Thanksgiving break. The animated movie is based on the Newbery-winning novel about a gentleman mouse who has the audacity to befriend a princess.
Beyond the usual trailer, synopsis, photos and cast list, click on “Fun and Games.” A red banner unfurls revealing activities such as the Mousecapult, Catiator and Roscuro’s Run (sort of a dinner table “Frogger” with a rat).
Click on “Storybook Adventure” to customize a 3-D fairy tale about anyone you choose looking any way you want. More activities, some of them educational, are available through a link to Scholastic Books.