From humans with extra limbs, to people with fettishes, to phobias, stalkers and of course the disgusting YouTube viral video: 2 girls one cup and anything to do with the super-natural.
Ironic, because I can't even watch a decent horror film without getting fucking nightmares and yet I just love freaks. I have to look - even though I can't bear to look, I can't bear to look away even more!
Its like a magnet that pulls me to these kinds of oddities. I know, I know, I'm sick. There is a name of us freaks - Freakaphobe!
So we'll start off our my First Episode of Freaky Friday with the Top 10 Human Freaks of Nature.
One of the Most Freaky Humans Eva - If not the fucking freakiest -Quasi Modo.
Was he real? or just a character made up by writer, Victor Hugo?
Fucking Fugly Freak! I love it!
Check out more Freaky Friday posts...HERE and HERE